Role Play Training

Are you looking for a memorable training event with a high impact?

We offer exciting interactive training using our carefully selected group of professional actor/facilitators. They harness the power of theatre and role-play to bring about learning in a stimulating, entertaining and safe context.

Click here to see some recent contracts
  • A year-long contact with a Homes County NHS Partnership Foundation Trust using our actors to train all clinical staff on how to improve relationships with service users.
  • Two year-long contracts with an outer London NHS Partnership Foundation Trust to roll-out the CPA, clinical risk and customer care training
  • Managing Challenging Employees – a short management course with an inner London LA with whom we have worked for several years.
  • Working with Difficult Behaviour
  • Interviewing Skills
  • Defusing Violence and Aggression
  • Equality and Diversity
  • Clinical Risk Assessment
  • Communication Skills
  • Conference Design