Recent Contracts

Below are brief descriptions of our current or recent larger projects.

Haringey LA

mhmts won a tender to provide a large component of the adult social care training (to include all ASW refresher programmes) to an outer London LA.
‘mhmts won a 3-year tender to provide most of our social care training and we use mhmts whenever we can. They were outstanding in the tender interview and have more than matched expectations in terms of quality of feedback we have received and providing excellent value.’
Helen Ugwu, Training Manager (Social Care Sector Development), Haringey Council

Hackney LA
tender won to provide a significant amount of workforce development training for a large inner London LA.
Surrey County Council

mhmts won a framework agreement to provide skills training to corporate staff and managers of an outer London LA.  In addition to our social care training to the Children and Families teams, we have provided several repeated courses on presentation skills both to basic and master class level.
‘I am really pleased with the programmes you are delivering for us and am getting excellent feedback from delegates so my thanks to everyone at mhmts’
Hannah Dwight, HR and OD Consultant

Notting Hill Housing

mhmts is rolling-out a year-long programme to deliver Motivational Interviewing skills to all managers and project workers to this large inner London Housing Association.
‘I was lucky enough to attend this training.. it was geared to improve our customers’ lives. This was extended to ourselves as many voiced the application was highly relevant to oneself, and a true learning curve for us all.’
Alison Harty
‘Why do we keep using mhmts? Because they understand what support officers and their managers do and the challenges they face. Their trainers are very experienced and knowledgeable in the field of support and care. It’s a pleasure working with them.’
Gill Sheehan Operations Manager - Home Support Dept, NHHA

Hertfordshire Partnership NHS Foundation Trust

mhmts trainers and actors are delivering a year-long Communication Skills programme to all clinical staff of this large foundation NHS Trust. Following the pilot one delegate wrote:
‘An excellent training – should be compulsory for all staff’,
Dr Slovek Rogowaski, Consultant Psychiatrist, Hertfordshire Partnership NHS Foundation Trust

Barnet, Enfield and Haringey MH NHS Trust

mhmts facilitators and actors have designed and are delivering a tailor-made mandatory risk and CPA programme to all clinical staff of this large outer London Mental NHS Trust.
‘The programme has only just begun and I am inviting mhmts back to deliver more and more.’
Delia McMillan, Head of Workforce Development, Barnet, Enfield and Haringey

Carr Gomm

Each year mhmts has delivered a large-scale varied, national social care training programme to this well established supported housing organisation.
‘I was trained many years ago by mhmts and it’s not often that following a training event I have such confidence in a company to commission them to provide a whole raft of courses for our organisation, nationally. All excellent trainers, their approach is rooted in sound theory, substance and depth.  mhmts is a pleasure to work with in partnership: flexible, committed to our needs and reliable. I intend to continue to use them: the feedback from my staff has been consistently superb.’
Jim Ellis, HR Manager, Carr Gomm Society

Turning Point

For several years, mhmts has delivered an ongoing national mental-health training programme to a leading social care organisation which supports those with complex needs.
‘Naomi - I would like to take this opportunity say its been a pleasure working with you and your team. Thank you.’
Daphne Dial ,HR Transformation Team, Turning Point

Nat Mags
mhmts was invited by Scenario Roleplay to design and facilitate together with a group of actors, a management programme for Nat Magswhich is one of the foremost luxury consumer magazine publishers in the UK. The evaluations were uniformly excellent.
First Impressions Ltd

an international family memorabilia body-casting company, asked mhmts to help them and their 28 franchisees improve their customer-relations and to develop a ‘house style’ in customer care. They felt it important that a customer should receive the same level of customer care whether they contacted the company through its London, Biarritz or New York outlets.
From role-playing and improvisations guided by First Impressions representatives, our actors scripted various scenarios which, after intensive discussion and fine-tuning, were developed into core principles for the ‘First Impressions’ training manual.
See Endorsements for a letter of thanks from their Managing Director.